ALL THINGS BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL inspire the artist in me.

Perhaps it is the artist in me that makes me keep my eyes open for #allthingsbrightbeautiful, or perhaps it was my Sunday School days and singing the hymn with those lovely words in it that must have become imprinted in my psyche.
Whatever it was, my camera and my mobile phone were vital for me to record all the beauty that I could garner for either painting or illustrating my blogs.
What a joy I get when finding exactly the right picture to make a point clearer when telling a story in a blog. This somehow makes the blog come alive in a special way.
It is also a wonderful way of keeping a positive frame of mind, looking out for the beauty in every situation and area of one’s life.
Being away from the hum-drum of daily chores and in a completely new environment makes one even more aware of the artistic opportunities that await around every corner.
They come about even when one is least expecting to find something inspiring and different. It could be a building that gives rise to a blog or painting, the unexpected beauty of a plant in a garden, or the garden itself.
Before Hazel and I came away on our caravan holiday it was decided that I would spend a few days with her in Riebeek Kasteel and my daughter, her husband, and son came to visit. Fortunately, there was one of the World Cup games on for Dan to watch and he was able to have a bite to eat with all the other rugby fans.
We three ladies and my darling grandson found a wonderful restaurant called Felix, after a pet cat, just a few doors down, and my word what a good choice that was.
We had amazing food and great service.
Ben was busy exploring the garden, and he also had his PlayStation with him to keep him entertained. How lovely it was to have time to catch up on each other’s lives before Hazel and I left for our holiday a few days later.
Riebeek Kasteel is a mecca for artists and eateries, a simply lovely place to visit. They also hold a quilting festival there, as well as a wine and olive festival. There are a number of b and b’s, plus a very well-known beautiful Royal Hotel.
We had thought of watching the rugby at the Royal Hotel but it wasn’t an option as the T.V. was rather on the small side and it appears the place Dan chose was exactly right for getting the right atmosphere.
While milling around the Royal Hotel, which I had not done in the past, we wandered out into the garden and I managed to get some lovely outdoor photos there as well as some of the inside the hotel to give one an idea of just how lovely it is.
We have been to Riebeek Kasteel for many years as my in-laws lived there for a number of years, as well as all the wonderful times spent there with Hazel and Attie. It is strange that I had not been inside the hotel and checked it out.
Think of ALL THINGS BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL, the photo opportunities I have missed. I am pleased that at last I have been inside and it was certainly worth the visit.
What beautiful paintings and luxurious comfortable furniture to relax in while waiting for what I hear is outstanding cuisine.
The building is fronted the entire length by a veranda, set up with comfy seating and a view of the surrounding mountains and vineyards.
Riebeek Kasteel can become extremely hot in the summer months and the veranda of the Royal Hotel would be such a good place to sit and relax until the afternoon cools down and one can enjoy snacks and sundowners, watching the passing parade.
Neither Hazel nor I felt in the least bit like cooking the evening before our packing day so we had a farewell meal at Mama Cusina. Another great find.
The Italian cuisine produced by Coenie Kruger is superb. The decor makes one feel the warmth of Italy and so does the warm welcome one gets on entering this lovely restaurant.
Lovely red and white checked tablecloths, and candles all add the extra ambiance. We had a very festive evening.
Fortunately only a block away from where Hazel lives.
No one could complain about the lack of great eating places in Riebeek Kasteel.
Besides the ones dotted around the town, there are also many Wine Farms that have outstanding restaurants where people can sample the wines as well as enjoy a good meal.
Visitors to our shores are spoiled for choice.
There is as much to do inland as there is to do in the beautiful seaside Cities and Villages.
Naturally, many visitors come to Africa to see our wildlife but there is so much more to be seen and experienced.
Hazel and her late husband, Attie, have been regular visitors to Mosselbay over many years and always raved about it. Although November is a very windy time of year to visit, there is so much to do here that this hasn’t spoiled the holiday in any way.
We had a spot or two of rain, which is badly needed, so no one is complaining about that. Whatever the weather, there is always something to do and to see.
While on a walk the other day we stopped in at a Restaurant to check it out to find that not only was it a Restaurant but also sectioned off into other areas where other small businesses worked.
We were initially drawn in by the enormous chair made of scrap metal in the shape of a hand. Really inventive, then we saw the fantastic wooden tables and just had to venture inside.
It was an artist’s delight. Metal sculptures, beautiful and unusual paintings, ponds and waterfalls, eccentric hairstyles (for me. anyway).
One could stop for a haircut and color, have one’s nails done and then go for a bite to eat all in the same shop.
The decor is what drew me in to begin with and it was a complete surprise to find all the other things going on. What a great idea, especially in a holiday destination. It means that when things are quiet, there is always something going on as they don’t just depend on one stream of business to bring in customers.
Essential in a smallish town realizing that it is not always full of holidaymakers.
I don’t know how many of you are brave enough to say you love listening to other people’s conversations. It is one of my guilty secrets (not secret anymore). You never know what you will learn.
Staying in a caravan park and having to use the ablution block for showering and all, is a great place to pick up all sorts of useful and other information.
One of the sad things I have learned from my camping holiday is that there are so many retired folks living in their caravans or even tents, while they rent out their homes.
Sadly, they do not have the means necessary to live in their own houses due to the increase in the cost of living and not being able to provide well enough for their pension.
If there are young people reading this post, I would encourage you all to make sure that you provide for your later years. I know they seem a lifetime away but believe me, it is no picnic to battle financially.
What a feast of information that can be used in writing, either a blog or even a story. You must just be in the shower with the water on gently. People don’t even think of you as being there at all.
Besides the usual chat about the weather, windy as it is at the coast (who knew???), there are also bits and pieces about where the best places are to stay, the prices and best of all the family goings-on, etc.
The art of writing is a blessing and when joining Wealthy Affiliate and learning all I would need to conquer my fears of using my laptop, that was the most wonderful opportunity to use any skills I have to write to earn a living wherever I may be.
If you want to know more about earning while you learn, I would really urge you to click on Wealthy Affiliate and check it out.
The first time I did this I was terrified that I would be making a mistake, I thought that anything I did with the laptop would be a mistake and I learned so much, it is a pity it took me so long to get the courage I needed to learn.
If you love writing, take a chance and learn the art of using the computer, you won’t regret it.
Whatever your age and capability, it can work for you.
Hello Jill, I must say that this article is very helpful and inspirational. I can’t wait to see more of your articles as you really write honestly and I can easily understand you. I will definitely share this article with my wife who also likes your work. I wish you all the best, Daniel
Hi Daniel,
Thank you so much. You are very kind with your comments. I am so happy that you enjoyed both these posts.
Being able to get out into the country, or to interview and artist of any kind is a great bonus I found by choosing to write about all the things I am passionate about.
It is such a joy to meet so many creative people on life’s journey and that they are willing to share their stories with me.
Wherever I go, I talk to anyone and everyone. Gone are the days of shyness, and holding back. Life is far too short to waste a moment.
Wishing you all the very best,
Kind regards,
Your topic provides a perfect vehicle for your delightful travelogue. Your story was personal and informative. It is easy to read, enjoyable, and brings the reader into your circle of friends. I must confess, thought, to having to go to the Internet to learn that you were writing about a city in South Africa, a place by the way that I have never been to. Your images of places you write about make your story telling that much more enjoyable. Traveling around the world is probably on most people’s agendas, making your topic that much more interesting. Based on this article, I am guessing you could travel the world writing delightfully personal stories of your experiences. Your website is well-made, your article well-written, and my experience with both, well-enjoyed.
Wow! Thank you bjgteach, for your really kind comments on my post.
As you can tell, it was such a great experience and I just couldn’t wait to share it with you all.
How wonderful it is to find such beauty all around us and be able to share it with others.
Next time I shall remember to say that I am in South Africa. Sorry that you had to do a bit of research.
Wishing you all the best,
Kind regards,
Hi Jill,
Like you, I also find much inspiration in my environment, it could be a bird, a quirky house, beach, a rock formation, anything really. So, I totally understand that 🙂 I’m also a writer.
At first I was wondering where Riebeek Kasteel was. I am from Belgium and I speak Flemish, so I immediatelt associated the name with a place in either Belgium or the Netherlands, but I just had no idea where. Then I realized it is in South Africa 😉
I love the photo of the wooden table. I would love to have one like that. It looks so artistic and original! I hope that one day I can visit Riebeek Kasteel. It sounds like a great place.
Hi Christine,
Thank you so much for such great comments. I do hope that one day you get to visit Riebeek Kasteel, it is such a quaint little village. Lots of arty folks and lots to do.
It is surrounded by wine farms and the scenery is simply glorious.
I am very blessed to have my sister-in-law living there and I visit her and stay over for a few days a month.
Wishing you all the best,
Kind regards,
It can really be frustrating when you abandoned every other things with the sole aim purpose to go to some where cool to watch a TV program or other things only to discover that the viewing center is worse than your own at home and to make it worse it will be a small box TV
Hi Sparkling, I guess you are right about that. Fortunately for me, my aim was not to watch TV but to spend a really great day with my lovely family and to find such great options for eating out, was the cherry on top of what was a wonderful day.
It depends on what one is looking to do.
Kind regards,
I like how you you used your new love of writing developed through writing posts on Wealthy Affiliate to describe a wonderful trip with your family. The hotel, garden and a local restaurant came alive in your narrative. The pictures illustrated your words brilliantly. Especially how you created a story around your grandson, Dan. He knew how to persuade you to find a larger TV to watch the rugby match, which happened to be in that delightful restaurant.
Although Wealthy Affiliate is there to help members become successful online marketers, in the process it teaches marketable skills. Like writing. Building websites. And increasing traffic. Thanks for sharing this delightful and colorful story with your readers.
Hi Edwin, Thank you so much for the very positive comments. I am so happy that you enjoyed the post.
We so enjoyed our time together.
What a pleasure it is to have family time.
Kind regards,
I like how you you used your new love of writing developed through writing posts on Wealthy Affiliate to describe a wonderful trip with your family. The hotel, garden and a local restaurant came alive in your narrative. The pictures illustrated your words brilliantly. Especially how you created a story around your grandson, Dan. He knew how to persuade you to find a larger TV to watch the rugby match, which happened to be in that delightful restaurant.
Although Wealthy Affiliate is there to help members become successful online marketers, in the process it teaches marketable skills. Like writing. Building websites. And increasing traffic. Thanks for sharing this delightful and colorful story with your readers.