Is Something Holding Your Child Back? | Childhood Development

Is Something Holding Your Child Back

Is Something Holding Your Child Back? | Childhood Development

Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting and rewarding journeys you can embark on. However, it often leaves you with a lot of worry and stress. These are two things that won’t ever go away.

But, more specifically, parents can focus on the development of the babies and young children – often comparing them to others. This is because some experts have decided it’s a good idea to place milestone ages on when a child should be doing something. Or have developed a particular skill.

If truth be known, all children are different and develop at their own pace. However, sometimes there are main reasons why a child isn’t developing as they should.

With that in mind here are some of the most common reasons why that might happen.

4 Things That May Be Holding Your Child Back

Is Something Holding Your Child Back

Image Credit: Pixabay – cco license

1. Separation Anxiety

It’s natural for any young child, toddler, or baby to become a little apprehensive when a parent says goodbye. Especially if they are in new surroundings and perhaps haven’t been without you for long periods before.

However, there is a difference between what is normal and what could be hindering their development. The main thing to remember would be if your child settles after you have gone. In many cases when a child is left in childcare they may get upset as you leave, but within five minutes be playing normally.

However, if a child is showing big signs of distress that continue there could be more of an emotional anxiety problem.

The best advice would be to practice separation as and when you can. Get your child used to new surroundings with settling-in sessions. Hopefully, this will be a phase that they will get over soon enough.

Is something holding your child back? And if so, what? It could be one of these four things, physical, emotional, behavioural, or circumstantial. Read on...2. Problems becoming more mobile

A lot of first-time parents will tell you that there is huge worry over when a baby starts to crawl, stand up, and walk. Often they tend to do it in their own time.

But on some rare occasions, there could be an underlying issue that would need addressing. Sometimes it can become evident that your child may be struggling to move in the way they should, often this is down to something called hip dysplasia.

Another less commonly discussed factor that can influence a child’s mobility is their hearing.

Research indicates that hearing can have a substantial impact on children’s mobility, with untreated hearing problems often delaying motor skill development in children.

Hearing plays an essential part in creating spatial awareness and balance – two components essential for crawling, standing, and eventually walking.

If hearing problems prevent children from exploring their environment freely due to lack of confidence with spatial orientation, hearing aid fittings and regular check-ups may help resolve this issue and allow the child to develop normally.

If you are worried about your child and their movement make sure you visit a doctor or medical professional

If you are worried about your child and their movement make sure you visit a doctor or medical professional.

3. Behavioral differences

Some children struggle with behavioural differences or react in different ways. This could be down to poor concentration or hyperactivity.

Symptoms of things like Autism and ADHD become known after your child hits toddlerhood. It’s worth trying to become more aware of the symptoms and having knowledge of ADHD so you can keep your eye out. The most common being things like sensitivity to noise and change in routine or surroundings.

If you think your child may be neuro-diverse, it’s best to book a consultation with an Educational Psychologist or Occupational Therapist for an initial Assessment.

They will be able to advise you on how you can help your child get the most out of their gifts (because children with ASD, ADD and ADHD are most certainly gifted). They will refer you to an MD or Neurologist for further help and advice, if necessary.

4. Family breakdowns

Finally, a breakdown within the family can hinder your child’s development. While it isn’t anyone’s fault, the best advice would be to try and make sure that your child feels stable and secure in their surroundings.

Arguments should be kept private. While sometimes it is best to raise your child with happy parents, try and make sure the life of your child isn’t disrupted.

Let’s hope this makes you more aware of some of the reasons a child’s development might not be going the way it should.

So, is something holding your child back?

So, is something holding your child back?  And is it one of these four things, that roughly fall into the categories of physical, emotional, behavioural, or circumstantial?

One of the most important things you can do for your children is to lessen your own anxiety and stress around their development.  Take the pressure off where you can, meet your children where they are at, and allow them to develop at their own pace.

It could be even more valuable to look for where they are ahead of the “development curve”.   Notice everything they are doing “right” and congratulate them for every small task they finish, and every milestone they achieve.  Be your child’s biggest cheerleader.

Keep reminding your children how much you love them.  Keep assuring them that they are unique, lovable and gifted, just the way they are.

Children who feel loved and understood are confident and self-assured, and that goes a long way to helping their development.

Jill Alexa du Preez

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