How about Fun and Games with Redbubble

How about Fun and Games with Redbubble | how about fun and games with redbubble

Fun and Games with Redbubble

How about Fun and Games with Redbubble | Fun and Games with RedbubbleThroughout the world at present we have little opportunity for movement, so to lighten the mood I got to thinking about what I could do to alleviate the boredom of lockdown, and decided to add a bit of spice to my mundane life and the thought popped into my head ” How about Fun and Games with Redbubble?”.

Of course, there was heaps of housework to get through before starting out to learn something new. It is never too late to begin learning a new skill.

Once I had done the obvious chores that had been neglected.

  • I got through the heaps of ironing that had been piling up.
  • Cleaned the windows,
  • Swept all the dust which had somehow accumulated under my bed.

I thought, now that is all done, get down to fun and games and begin #howaboutfunandgameswithredbubble.

Lauren Kinghorn has a great training on Redbubble so I decided to try it out for myself and so began a new interest and I now have my own online store.

Never in a million years would I have ever thought I would be able to say that, but there you go. One is never too old to learn.

Not only was I able to follow the great instructions in the course, but I also got my sister-in-law, Hazel, to join me in this new venture.


Spectacular Sunset over the Sea

My thinking was #howaboutfunandgames with the help of RedBubble.

It was exactly what my creative soul required.

This Fun and Games with Redbubble really brings out creative ideas and makes one forget the problems of the world for a while.

Besides staying indoors and keeping our hands clean, watching our health, worrying about something over which we have absolutely no control seemed senseless.

Finding a creative outlet and having a new business at the same time made a lot more sense to both Hazel and me.

Having to struggle to make ends meet and have to ask our families to help us out, we both feel is not good for the ego or the soul.

Not only that, but my sister-in-law was also looking for ways to supplement her income so when I said How about Fun and Games with Redbubble? she came on board and we had such fun doing this together.

It was great working together as Hazel had not had the opportunity to use Canva before, and as I have used it for about two years, it was a pleasure to teach her.

Thankfully she is a very quick study and grasped it really well.

We had such fun finding suitable pictures for our Redbubble stores.

Choosing the name for our stores was just part of the fun and games we had. Hazel chose a really cool name for hers – giftsbyHazel. You can check her amazing creativity and think of some of the things you could do or buy, to brighten up your life.

There are so many to choose from and it made the decision, which ones would be best, and for what items.


We lowered our new bed so Milo could get up easily.

When we began this course,  How about Fun and Games with Redbubble? Follow the course on Udemy by Lauren Kinghorn. Enjoy. Hazel and I were staying at my very dear friend, Caro’s house in Langebaan, while she was visiting family in New Zealand, and at that time were not under shutdown.

We had no idea that this COVID-19 scourge was going to begin.

Therefore, we were able to go around the Estate taking photographs of the wildlife and gardens, which really appealed to both of us.

I had such a funny experience when I was walking around looking for photo opportunities.

A number of people in the Estate have unusual statues or objects of garden art to make their gardens unique. One can see a number of artistically arranged cats, tortoises, bucks, birds, etc. So when I spotted a really realistic-looking buck under some trees, I was not surprised

This one was so realistic and I was very taken with it, as when I was contemplating from which angle I should photograph it, it appeared that the eyes were following me. I thought, my goodness, that is really the most realistic work of art I have seen.

What a laugh I had when the ” work of art ” suddenly bounded off onto the nearby golf course.

Once we were under lockdown, we were able to search through our photographs, and friends and family have kindly shared some of their treasures with us.

This really brings out creative ideas and makes one forget the problems of the world for a while. Isn’t it amazing how being creative lifts the spirits?

Besides staying indoors and keeping our hands clean, watching our health, worrying about something over which we have absolutely no control seemed senseless.


Have you thought of how the world is going to look through your eyes?Follow the rainbow. Find your pot of gold.

  • What are you going to choose to do?
  • How are you going to cope with the changes?
  • Are you putting a plan, or plans, into action?
  • How about Fun and Games with Redbubble?

Finding a creative outlet and having a new business at the same time makes a lot of sense.


Having to struggle to make ends meet, and perhaps the need to ask our families to help us out is not good for the ego, or the soul.

Being able to start a new business at any age is amazing but we are both retired, and we have found an added interest, which given time, will help to supplement our pensions.


Hope that you are all well and coping during this time of crisis in the world.

It would be lovely if you would share the wonderful ways you are overcoming this time, and also to hear what new things you have found to lift your spirits.

Perhaps you too have embarked on a new business venture and would love to share it with the world.

Jill Alexa

Jill of all Trades. Master of Many. Too busy to die.

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