The Thrill of Anticipation of Hermanus FynArts Festival

The Thrill of Anticipation of Hermanus Fynarts Festival

Hermanus FynArts Festival – the Thrill of Anticipation

The Thrill of Anticipation of Hermanus FynArts Festival | Thrill of AnticipationIn our lives, we are almost always anticipating something or another, wonderful things to look forward to. At the moment, uppermost in my mind is the thrill of anticipation of  #HermanusFynArtsFestival.

For the many people who have not heard of this event, I will endeavor to tell you more and get you excited as well.

The Hermanus FynArts Festival runs from the 8th to the 17th of June, 2018.

Next week I will be on my way to Hermanus to experience all I can,  hopefully, learn and also make lots of new contacts. What a wonderful way to broaden the mind and form new friendships.

After the Thrill of Anticipation now the Preparations and Plans for going to the Hermanus FynArts Festival

One of the most exciting words in the English language must be “anticipation” and it was the excitement I felt in the weeks building up to the Hermanus FynArts Festival.

In preparation for the upcoming Festival, I have created business cards on Canva and they are in the process of being printed.

Also went for a very thorough Thai body massage.  If you have been fortunate to experience a Thai massage you will know why I said thorough – they work into every muscle and joint.  Some you didn’t even know about.

Now, with that with all the walking I am planning to do, my body and mind are in the right shape (well as good as they can be, anyway).

I Have booked amazing accommodation which I will tell you all about when I get back. Bought some easy foodstuff, you know, cup-of-soup, nuts, etc. so I don’t have to bother much about cooking. Might even lose a bit of weight whilst at the festival, what with the walking and soup, etc.

Collaborative Relationships

Amazing art works at Hermanus FynArts FestivalOne of the reasons why I am feeling a Thrill of Anticipation to be going to this Festival is that a couple of my friends, namely Dal Botha, whom I interviewed as my 5th Star of the Sew, and Sheila Walwyn, a Gardening Club friend have both worked very hard on producing things of great beauty for the Festival. The Exhibition where their Textile Art will be on display is Collaborative Relationships.

What an innovative idea this is, as pairs of Visual Artists will each produce one artwork to interpret the theme – A Thread Runs Through It.

As a quilter and an artist, I cannot wait to see what the artists come up with in their depictions of the theme. It is sure to be a real joy.

The more I think about next week, the more excitement bubbles up inside me.

The thrill of Anticipation of Such a varietyThe Thrill of Anticipation of Hermanus FynArts Festival

The exhibitions are many and varied which makes for a very entertaining time. Sadly I will be missing the weekend events which should be wonderful. There is still a Thrill of Anticipation of the concerts, The Orchestra with Richard Cock and Friends on Saturday evening, A Feast of Opera and Operetta on Sunday, and Late Night Jazz on Sunday.

On Friday the 15th,  Cape Town City Ballet will be dancing in Dance Delights.

Nataniel, who is renowned in South Africa as a singer, writer, storyteller and so much more,  will be in concert. The line-up goes on and on.

The week will be jam-packed with events for every member of the family from old to young.

Workshops for young and old and in between.

Galleries to visit.

Things to buy.

Performances to experience.

Demonstrations of all kinds to learn new skills.

Readings of Books and Poetry and so much more. There is so much to choose from, one is spoiled for choice.

After reading about some of the great things I shall be doing next week am sure some of you are green with envy.

If you are fortunate to live in or around Cape Town and the beautiful Hermanus, why don’t you feel the Thrill of Anticipation and come and enjoy the Festival for yourself?

I shall be writing about my experiences of this time when I return to Cape Town.

If you would like to comment on this post, I would love to hear from you.


Jill Alexa

Jill of all Trades. Master of Many. Too busy to die.


  1. Hi Jill your article was written beautifully, and yes I’m green with envy! Sounds so exciting, wish i could take my kids there they would love it. I cant wait to read about your time at Hermanus FynArts Festival, enjoy it for me too!

  2. Hi Traci,
    You are so kind. So glad you enjoyed my post. I am really excited about going. Have not been to an Arts Festival before. Will definitely be writing about it when I return.
    Kind regards,

  3. Wow, this sounds like so much fun! I’m sure you’re going to have an awesome time. Wish we could join you. Can’t wait to hear all the stories when you get back, where you went, what you did, who you met, what inspired you the most. No doubt you’ll come back home with a million new ideas, this kind of festival is so good for the soul.

    • Hi Love you are really my inspiration. Am really looking forward to this experience. Have always wanted to experience a Festival of this kind. Music festival would have been good to when I was young but that was not to be. Still a flower child at heart I guess.

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