How good are you at #organizingandtrackingyourfinances?

Did your parents set a good example of the importance of keeping track of spending only what is available?
Is your relationship with money and managing YOUR FINANCES a good one?
Do you fear to discuss money matters with your partner?
What example did your parents pass on to you regarding their relationship with money, and how to deal with it?
This could have been wonderful but on the other hand, it may have not been. Often we have to change our belief system learned from our parents in order to manage our finances in a better way.
This is not playing the blame game but taking control of your life and financial destiny.
Admitting that you don’t know enough about handling money is the first step, seeking the help of a Financial Advisor is the way forward.
Talking about money is such a touchy subject, and as I have grown older, and perhaps wiser I feel it is something that should be spoken about more openly.
How many people reading this post have sought financial advice from a company such as Pine Advisors before allowing their financial status to become dire?
Learning to handle money, discuss money, and actually to love money, and treat it with respect, should be taught at all schools.
It is such an emotive subject so it is not difficult to understand why so many marriages break down due to money, or lack thereof.
Recently, I went on a month-long caravan holiday. While staying in the caravan park, I had the great pleasure of meeting people from many walks of life.
As this was my first real experience on a holiday of this nature, I decided to learn as much as I could, and blog about the people, especially the ones who live in their caravans or R.V.s on a permanent basis.
What makes people give up their homes and do this?
Here are just some of the many things I learned on my fact-finding mission.
Just how crucial it is to control YOUR FINANCES.
- One of the first things I learned was the importance of being extremely organized due to the lack of space. Fortunately, I was staying with my sister-in-law, Hazel, who is one of the most organized people I know.
- It is not uncommon to discuss any subject under the sun, in the ablution block, which thankfully was kept pristine at all times.
- Sadly, I learned that many of the folk I met, had no option but to live in their caravans while renting out their homes and live on the rental.
Due to markets falling, unwise investments, or being unable to manage their finances, they were forced to live in a caravan.
It is so important to put one’s name down on a waiting list for a good Retirement Home as it takes at least eight to ten years to become eligible to get into one.
When we are young, growing old is the furthest thing from our minds, and unfortunately for some, they leave it too late to seek help in their financial management.
Although I saw some truly amazing vans, beautifully fitted out and organized, it is not always easy to live cheek-by-jowl with people you barely know and to have to move every three months to either a different site in the caravan park or to another place entirely.
Caravaners are some of the most friendly people in the world.
There is no doubt that becoming financially savvy, and organization helps to keep you on the right track.