What is a Wealthy Affiliate Review?

What is a Wealthy Affiliate Review-@Jillalexa.com

What is a Wealthy Affiliate Review?

After 9 months I am now going to tell you #whatisaWealthyAffiliateReview, as best I can.

Many times I have been asked, “What is Wealthy Affiliate?” when I have mentioned to people that I am now blogging. Usually, the first question is “What is a blog?”

Many people may not have heard of Wealthy Affiliate or blogging, this is my review on Wealthy Affiliate, which includes the answer to the first question, “What is a blog?”

How I Learned about Wealthy Affiliate

As a grandmother of seven, who would have thought I would ever be involved in the online world. Well here I am, and you too could join me at Wealthy Affiliate, if you want to learn to earn from home and enter this exciting world in which we are now living. Don’t get left behind on this wonderful journey.

I joined Wealthy Affiliate two years ago but due to my husbands’ medical condition, I was unable to do anything with it at that time and actually forgot about it altogether, until February this year when my daughter asked me to be her V.A.

Do you know what a V.A. is?

Well, I certainly didn’t at that time, I thought she was saying I was “Virtually Alive” or “Very Aged”, which I found insulting, that was until she said, “No, Mom, it is a Personal Assistant but online that is why it is called a V.A. Virtual Assistant. This meant managing her Social Media platforms as she has a number of Websites on which she blogs.


As the only thing I could do on the computer at that time was to email and that didn’t always work for me, I would write long letters, only to lose them, Please don’t ask me where they went, I have no clue.

Lauren reminded me that I had joined Wealthy Affiliate and it was now time for me to take up the challenge and learn, and that was the beginning of the adventure of my life.

After bringing up my family, running various, mostly home-based businesses, my husband now in Frail Care and being well looked after, this was time for me to expand my extremely limited knowledge. I must be honest and say, it was with extreme trepidation that I began this new venture into the unknown.

Without Lauren’s continual encouragement, egging me on when I was afraid, perhaps I may not have achieved all I have.

The Best Thing I Have Done for Years is Join Wealthy Affiliate

Although I knew I could join for free, I knew there were more benefits if I joined as a Premium Member. I wanted to take this very seriously, from the beginning, It is a business, after all.

There would be no going back, and by doing this I would have all the tools I would need to learn as much as I could and, having Scottish blood in me, I was certainly not going to let this opportunity go to waste.

These are just some of the things I have learned during these past 9 months

  • To choose a Niche, set it up and create content. For those who don’t know, a Niche is an interest or passion of yours that you would like to share with others. You have the ability to teach others how to do the things you can do. Having 25 websites available to use for oneself, you could choose to use more than one, but in my experience and in the experience of many others, it is beneficial to concentrate on one, to begin with. There will be plenty of time later on to expand your business.
  • I learned to understand keywords and the great value they have when creating keyword-rich content. This helps the various search engines, like Google, Yahoo, etc. to find your content and if they like it, will rank it. This helps your business grow by being made visible when others search and find your blog and read it.
  • That one can make money online and how to go about doing this.
  • Set up a domain-specific email account.
  • Inserting pictures into my blogs. 1000s available through Wealthy Affiliate and able also to use my own photos. This is very exciting and makes the blog so much more interesting and readable.
  • The more blogs you write on Wealthy Affiliate or on your Niche, the more productive you are, in other words, this boosts your rank in Wealthy Affiliate. It also means that your blogs are seen more often in the Search Engines.
  • There are a number of ways to monetize your blog, it doesn’t matter what Niche you choose. All this you will learn in the training.
  • Wealthy Affiliate has a wonderful helpline which is available 24/7.
  • How to master social media engagement. This is enormous fun but beware it can also become very time-consuming. What I do as once I have made my morning coffee, I go back to bed and while the coffee, which I drink black, is cooling, I do my social sharing. I also find that my brain works better in the morning so prefer to blog then, and social share in the afternoon instead of snoozing.
  • The Step-by-step training is superb. Even an old duck like me can understand it.
  • All the Wealthy Affiliate Members I have had anything to do with, are the friendliest and most helpful people you could wish to meet. It is such fun to learn about so many other parts of this wonderful world through interaction with them.

You Will now Understand Why I Love Wealthy Affiliate


It is no wonder that there are so many members at Wealthy Affiliate. People, who, like me, want to work from home or wherever your heart desires, and pocket allows. Not having to drive into work in heavy traffic.

Work the hours that suit you. Some people are morning people and some find it easier to concentrate when the children are safely tucked up in bed.

Wealthy Affiliate is what I call “my University in the Air” as I have gained so much knowledge on all levels. I commend Kyle and Carson for all the hard work they have put into bringing this amazing opportunity to us.

I would like all those who give of their time and knowledge to give seminars, interactive training, advice, webinars etc. to know just how grateful I am.

In Nine months I have gone from “Ditz-know-nothing” to Rank 43. That is something I could not have done without you all.


This is an invitation to anyone out there, who wants to learn, perhaps needing to earn more for their family, to come and join me at Wealthy Affiliate. Open yourself up to new experiences, it is so invigorating and such fun. You may be sure of a very warm welcome.

Join me at Wealthy  Affiliate 

Jill Alexa

Jill of all Trades. Master of Many. Too busy to die.


  1. Hi Jill

    This is a great review of Wealthy Affiliate.

    You make it sound like a great place to learn all about Online and Affiliate Marketing, and you have obviously learnt so much in the last nine months.

    Judging by your experience, it seems as though anyone at all could learn how to do this, even if they have no previous experience at all. Would you agree with that?

    With everything that is offered at Wealthy Affiliate, it sounds as though the training must be very expensive though? Is that the case?

    Very many thanks for this really helpful and informative post.

    Chrissie 🙂

    • Hi Chrissie, Thank you for reading my review and the lovely comments. It has been the most fun learning I have ever done in my rather long life. I did not have the opportunity of going to University and for me this is my gift to myself. 

      You are asking about price at exactly the right time as from the 23rd Nov until the 28th Nov, the Black Friday special comes into play. For the extremely low cost of 299 dollars for the year, you can get the most incredible training and support in the online business world.

      I worked it out and I could spend that amount on sweets in a year, very easily and not learn a darned thing, except that they don’t agree with me.

      For anyone who wants to improve their way of living and have enormous fun, learning from so many wonderful people on Wealthy Affiliate, I would encourage them to take up this amazing offer.

      Wishing you all the very best,

      Kind regards,


  2. Jill, this is a great review. I, too, am a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate and I love it. The training and support system is incredible. I have received so much help from my WA family and other bloggers I have connected with on the web. I am still working on mastering my social media, but WA is helping me along the way.

    I have learned so much in the few short months that I have been a member. I can’t wait to learn even more!

    • Hi Taylor, Thank you for your lovely comments about my review. You can tell I am a fan. Am so happy you are enjoying it as much as I am. If I can give you any advice, concentrate on the training lessons before getting involved with the Social Media side as it has a tendency to become addictive and gobbles up precious time.

      The people on Wealthy Affiliate are the most helpful and also lots of fun to get to know.

      Wishing you all the very best,

      Kind regards,


  3. What an awesome review of Wealthy Affiliate from your point of view!! I love it Jill!! I feel the same way you do about it and am so happy that I stumbled across it.  I was looking for ways to make money online and didn’t want to take surveys all day either.  I also like to be creative and have always wanted to learn how to create a website.

    I love that there are so many like-minded people at Wealthy Affiliate and we are all there to help each other succeed in our businesses.  It’s really like a happy little community of people from around the world all trying to learn something new.  

    I wish you all the best in your blogging business and hope to see you around WA!!

    • Hi Nicki, Thank you for the lovely comments. It is such fun to be creative and not only with sewing, quilting, painting etc. but now also with writing. 

      Wealthy Affiliate has given me a new interest in life and I cannot say just how grateful I am. I will be looking out for your posts. Am so glad you enjoyed my review. As you say the community is wonderful, it is super to be able to meet people, (new friends) from all over the world and also to learn from them.

      Such a privilege.

      Wishing you all the very best,

      Kind regards,


  4. Hello Jill du Preez. How’re your grandchildren?

    You’ve really learnt alot from Wealthy Affiliate. There’s more to learn as time goes on. Wealthy Affiliate is is the perfect place to be for anyone looking to start an online business. It doesn’t matter the level of experience.  It has all the trainings and tools to make a business flourish Online.

    Keep sharing great contents and wish you many more success on your journey Online 🙂

    • Hi Mr. BEazzy, Love the name, by the way. My grandchildren are perfect, speaking as an unbiased grandmother, of course.

      With the amazing training on Wealthy Affiliate, it is impossible not to learn, especially when you start from zero, as I did.

      It is the most exciting way of learning and earning that I can think of.

      Wishing you all the best,


  5. I was looking for a review about Wealthy affiliate and I cameacross your post, very interesting and you have raised points  I would have not even thought about. I laughed when I read your VA description – LOL!, It is good to know some of the things you have learned over the 9 months from a personal so thanks for sharing that, I heard about the Black Friday offer,could you explain that one to me?

    • Hi Michael, Am so glad I gave you a bit of a laugh, it always helps to have a chuckle now and then. 

      Yes, I can tell you about the Black Friday Offer, I don’t know if you are a premium member or not, but whatever, On 23rd November there is a special on the amount you pay for the annual fees at Wealthy Affiliate. The amazing thing is that it will stay the same year after year. I suggest you read the Post that Kyle wrote explaining it all.

      Suffice to say it is the most amazing offer. 299 dollars for the entire year. Yoohoo!This offer runs from 23rd Nov to 28th Nov.

      Wishing you all the best, If you can, don’t miss out on this wonderful offer.

      Kind regards,


  6. I think it has great that it offers a niche related training. However I wonder does it provide a training related to niche potential? Because I think we can make more money with good niches. I have a couple of interests however I want to choose one which has the biggest potential. What are your thoughts about these?

    • Hi Alaba, There is potential in all Niches, you just need to read up in Google or see what other people are writing about in your Niche. Open your Niche up to include other related things which will make it more exciting or readable. For instance, if your Niche is hiking, you could include things about the outdoors, hiking equipment, experiences in the outdoors, what to look out for. How to keep safe, etc. Think carefully about how you can make your Niche as interesting as possible and most of all enjoy it.

      Follow the training, you will find amazing help there.

      Wishing you all the very best,


  7. Thank you for sharing your perspective. I agree with all you have said. I am only about a month and a half into this process, so still learning. I feel as if I have learned a lot from you.

    I know you mentioned that the WA blogs may help boost your niche website. Can you elaborate a little more on that? I have heard it said before, but I can’t seem to quite figure it out. Lol!

    • Hi Holly, Thank you and wishing you all the best in this fun time. Why I say that you must write as many posts as you can is then you will become more and more confident. Find wonderful titles for your posts and get many follows as the more interesting your posts are the more people will want to read them. 

      Don’t forget to go through the training and don’t get caught up in worrying about the ranking, just enjoy and learn, write, learn and write. If you find your Niche is not working for you, change it , even slightly to include something connected so that you can elaborate and find more to write about.

      All the best, Hope that helped. If you need more help contact me on PM and I will see if I can be of more assistance.

      Best wishes,


  8. Hi Jill,

    That is a great review on Wealthy Affiliate and it comes with so much, sometimes I don’t know where to start when I talk about this great place!  I like how you mention that you went premium.  If anyone is serious about a business – well, they always come with costs. Luckily here at WA the cost is so small compared to so many others.

    Thanks for your take on this fantastic program – as you can see I am a very happy user of this program too!Cheers Sharon

    • Hi Sharon, Thank you so much for the lovely comments. I am so glad you are also enjoying this amazing adventure.

      It is wonderful that we have this opportunity at such a small cost and can learn so much.

      All the very best,


  9. Hi Jill. I have to agree with you that Wealthy Affiliate is the place to be with all the tools they offer to become successful in an online business.

    Like you, I too am a grandmother and this ‘old duck’ is learning quite a bit! Thank you for sharing your insights on Wealthy Affiliate and why you find it such a special place!

    • Hi Mary Ann, Are we not the lucky ones? Grannies and also working on our own business venture with Wealthy Affiliate. It is so thrilling to do something which I, for one, didn’t ever think possible.

      Wishing you all the very best,


  10. Hello Jill

    Thought I would leave a few words about your review on your article.

    I take it you are the grandma who didn’t know anything about the online world of earning an income from home with your own business.

    Being of the older generation you probably thought you would never master it but you joined wealthy affiliate anyway and 9 months on you have your own home business website and going great guns.

    You will know by now that you are not alone because there are many people in your age group who are members, myself included.

    We have learned many things since we took our first tentative steps through the door and into the world that is the internet.

    In the nine months you have been a member you have gone from “Ditz-know-nothing” to Rank 43. I myself joined way back in 2014 and I have actually been an ambassador for 900 days.  This status I achieved simply because I like helping people and as there are only 25 ambassadors altogether this is quite an achievement.

    I wish you continued success as you progress and if you ever need help you have only got to get in touch and I will be more than happy to point you in the right direction.

    Have a great day Jill.

    Warmest Regards.

    Robert Allan

    • Hi Robert, Thank you for your lovely comments on my review. It has been great meeting people of all ages and from all over the world on this amazing Wealthy Affiliate platform.

      Wow!, I am so impressed at your becoming an Ambassador. Does this not involve a huge amount of work?

      Kind Regards,


  11. Wealthy Affiliate it’s probably the best online platform where to learn the basics of affiliate marketing. The training  is very detailed and you can do things step by step. Affiliate marketing can be a very slow process, especially building and ranking a website and here at WA you will learn the right road to follow for your success. I consider myself a beginner as an affiliate and WA has been such a great help till now on understanding the whole process.

    • Hi Leo, Thank you so much for commenting on my review. As you can tell, I love Wealthy Affiliate. I don’t know when you started but it is so necessary to follow all the steps to be able to understand the whole process. I am still learning and began in February this year.

      Wishing you all the best,



  12. If you want to work from home then you need skills and knowledge to fulfil your wish. There are so many scams online. Now- days finding a trustable place and community is very difficult. Wealthy Affiliate is a place where you can learn new skills and grow your online business. I agree with you that Wealthy Affiliate is a university in the air for all its members. Great review about Wealthy Affiliate, thanks for sharing.

    • Hi Bushra, Thank you so much for reading and enjoying my review on Wealthy Affiliate. I don’t know where I would be without it.

      Wishing you well,


  13. Hi Jill,

    I can definitely relate to your position as far as not knowing anything about making money online from creating a blog. It’s quite funny because most of my generation knows how to surf the internet but they don’t really think about making money from it. 

    But thanks to the training, I am actually seeing small successes and have started to see natural organic traffic from google. 

    I am really excited for the next part in my online journey.

    Wish you more success,


    • Well done, Jessie. So happy that you are making use of your expertise on the computer. When I was growing up there was not the training on computers and so I knew absolutely nothing about the online world. I absolutely love it and can’t understand why the young people who are well versed in this online world are not eager to join. 

      Wealthy Affiliate has opened up a whole new world to me and I can’t say enough how grateful I am.

      Wishing you all the best,


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