Well, what’s health and wellness to you? I am sure you will all have your ideal health and wellness goals and ideals.
To me, HEALTH AND WELLNESS it is being able to live a full and interesting life, and having the ability to move freely without pain. Partake in any exercise plan I choose. Eat wisely and well.
Do you recall all the exercise you got as a child and being able to eat just about anything? Sure some of us were picky eaters. I was convinced that I would die if I ate peas or sweet potatoes, both of which I am very partial to now. There are a number of people I know who still don’t eat peas as they don’t like the feeling of them in their mouth.
My father-in-law had a very sensitive mouth and could not eat most fruit or tomatoes due to the acid and the reaction to these foods. Rather, sad, I could not imagine not eating fruit.
As children living in the country, we had to make our own entertainment and we were very active children.
My mother always sent us outside to play, with four children, I am not surprised by this and am so thankful that she did. Of course, when we were at school, homework had to be done first, and then we were free until suppertime.
There was not a tree in the neighborhood that hadn’t been tested out and climbed as far as we could go.
We were also fortunate to live opposite the bush and had endless paths to traverse, seeking adventure.
Enormous anthills to turn into forts. We sometimes tunneled into them, much to my mother’s horror. She was convinced they would collapse on top of us. This did not happen, ants construct their homes extremely well.
Many of us are of an age where climbing trees is not an option, I am fortunate to have a young grandson who insists that I do indeed climb trees with him, as long as they are large and strong enough to hold me.
Taking time out to meditate and just letting peace fill your soul helps to keep the balance one needs to enjoy every moment.
If you are constantly thinking of work-related issues, or problems that you may be facing your mind is not at rest. Becoming conscious of your HEALTH AND WELLNESS makes it impossible to –
- Take time just to breathe,
- accept your situation,
- put things into perspective
- de-stress
- feel calmer
Find the perfect quiet place in which you feel comfortable.
My perfect place to meditate is in nature, and while I was away in Port Alfred I was taken to this beautiful outdoor sanctuary.
It is often used as a wedding ceremony venue but it was so peaceful and with the sun filtering through the treetops, felt like the ideal spot to meditate.
The only sound was made by an occasional bird twittering.
The battle of the bulge is an ongoing one. With so many diet plans it should be easy to find one that you feel comfortable following, but we all can attest to the fact that sticking to a diet is not easy.
A friend once said she was on a seafood diet, the more she sees the more she eats.
Finding the HEALTH AND WELLNESS plan that suits your lifestyle, and also has a wide variety of healthy foods to choose from is crucial if you want to stick to it for life.
Many people are talking about the benefits of fasting but that would not suit everyone. I have seen how well fasting for 15 hours a day has worked for some people but have not tried it out.
What I do find helpful in losing weight is to drink healthy homemade, freshly liquidized fruit and vegetables with added ginger, turmeric, and Ceylon cinnamon.
This is a filling and healthy option and can be a meal replacement without one feeling as though you are starving to death.
An eating plan I have found works for me is T L C for Weight Loss – Well-being.
Keeping yourself as fit and well is of paramount importance, as this will impact your future life. Your need for medical attention.
According to Medical Experts, exercising has the ability to decrease your risk of Type 2 diabetes, Stroke, and Cancer. Now if that great news doesn’t make us take action then I don’t know what will.
Find whatever keeps you motivated to ensure you can keep up with your fitness routine. Finding someone to follow who’s passionate about the fitness activities you’re interested in can make a huge difference. Follow Ashley Roberts to help you feel pumped for softball and other activities or find some great women’s ski boots and hit the slopes. Stay motivated and focused to help you achieve your fitness goals.
If you want to keep your health and wellness in the best possible place, you have to make sure that you are checking everything over with the right people.
You will not know absolutely everything about your body and your mind, so it’s best to put it in the hands of people who do.
That explains why some facilities target only one gender and attend to specific health issues.
For example, service providers like Huddle Men’s Health target common health issues in men with the hope of driving optimal health. You can also find medical facilities set up only to address health problems prevalent in females. Professionals in these facilities are trained to detect health issues in the early stages before things get out of hand. These are usually ailments you wouldn’t have detected yourself.
This will put your mind at ease and allow you to catch issues before they become worse.
Whether you need help at a professional hearing aid centre or you have more of a chronic issue, professional people within the medical world will point you in the right direction and solve many problems.
Here are a few ideas I have which hopefully will be of help to your choosing your own path.
- Surfing – gives you an overall workout, and time in the fresh air, and is a great pleasure for those who love the water. Remember to apply sunscreen regularly.
- Swimming – another sport which gives one a good workout, especially if you do endurance swimming. For most of us however completing a few laps works well.
- Family Time – Incorporate your daily movement with family time. Why not bring everyone together for a basketball game? Or you can even watch batting videos and teach the kids and grandkids how to hit a baseball. These activities allow you to keep moving while also getting quality social and family time in.
- Water Aerobics – This is a fun way to exercise in a group. However, be aware that as you are working against the resistance of the water, you may not always feel you are working out, and it is easy to overdo it and can injure yourself if not careful,
- Cycling – Cycling is a great favorite as this can be done with a friend or loved one. Watch out for traffic and traffic laws when out on the bike. Mountain biking is very popular (dangerous, if I might add), if you are an adrenaline junkie, this is the right sport for you. Wear the correct gear for protection.
- Walking – With a purpose, not strolling along. Wear the best footwear you can afford, as your feet take a beating all day and every day. This is a great way of exercising either in a group or with someone special.
- Running – Best foot forward in the best shoes possible. Sunscreen is a must, even on cloudy days. In fact, this applies to all outdoor activities.
- Sport – So many choices. You’re not always going to find the right sport for you the first time around, so it’s important that you keep trying new ones. You may want to try out football after watching and following football news closely for years, and you may want to gain more insight into the sport by reading articles featuring Daniel Lerner of David Lerner Associates, as well as others who love the sport. Or basketball. Or baseball. Or whatever else. Follow your passion and enjoy.
- Working out at the gym – When working on the variety of gym equipment available, ask for advice on the correct way of using the piece of equipment if you aren’t sure. Avoid injury. The Instructors are usually very well-versed on what each piece of equipment is for and how it should be used. There are so many benefits of working out. Muscle strength is so important, especially as we age.
- Pilates and Yoga – thought I would put these two together as knowing there are differences, there are also similarities. Taking exercise at a slower pace would suit almost everyone. It is best for you to try them out to sea which you prefer.
This post has hopefully made you think of ways in which you can improve your overall health and well being.
There are so many positives in keeping yourself fit and healthy.
Wishing you all a happy Wellness Year. Yes, I made that up myself.
Lovely article Jill, great stuff ??
Am so glad you enjoyed it. You must be so proud of Cooper. It is a great achievement.
With love,
Life is meant to be explored and enjoyed and the only thing that can limitwate that is being deficit healthwise. To me, a healthy life entails being me without having to give considerations to any sort of health deficits and living a life that is full of exploration. Exercising without pain, visiting nature, playing, jumping, cycling, dancing and doing everything possible in life. I really like some of the suggestions you made here when ir comes to making judicious use of our time to enjoy life while keeping the balance with maintaining our health. Great post
Thanks, Shelley, for these comments and for the earlier ones.
Kind regard,
Helo jill, this is a very good one. Everyone in one way or the ityer hopes to live a kife of wellness. Some are also very nonchalant about the discourse. For me I am the former and that is why I am reading this. I must say that I am impressed with what you have put together and I need to take to this tips especially that of movement. It’ll be really cool for me to go surfing. Thanks for your awesome post on what health and wellness is. For me, I can eat anything,fruits or food.
Hi Henderson,
Thank you, for reading my post and the comments.
All the best,Jill
Hello Jill, being well is one thing we all want and pray for. There are plenty of times when we have a slight chnace in health condition andbthenywe realize how healthy we have been and we are like “wow, being healthy is good” that’s one thing that happens to me alot. Wellness for me is that state where I enjoy everything around without have to have a sad look at all, and since I started having time to exercise, I always feel good everytime. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Chloe, Thank you for reading my post and for comments.
Best wishes,
The meaning of life is what you have summed up within this short and precise article shared with us here. Learning to respect ohr body would lead to us getting a reciprocal treatment from it too. We need to eat very healthily as that would automatically catapult us to having a health balanced life and that would lead us to being able to partake in the exoloration of life. Such a detailed post on the best ways to keep well while living life. I live being with nature and exploring the various natural wonders in the world. I love eating healthy too because I know the benefits attached to having a good health. Thumbs up
Thank you, Shelley, I appreciate you reading my post and for the comments.
All the best,
To me, Health and wellness is a state of happiness and well being in body, soul and spirit, and to add to that, it’s a state of abundance and peace. Thanks for the informative article which reminds us to take actions towards our health and wellness and for the tips too.
It is a pleasure.
Best of luck,
Thank you so much for this nice post, I find it really helpful and useful. We should only be cautious of our health and wellness. Starting from eating nutritious food to working out and doing exercise, I will bookmark this post and share it with my relatives. In everything our health should be our priority.
Thank you, Charles, I am so pleased you found my post helpful.
Best wishes.
The health of an individual happens to be critical. Some time I feel sick when I don’t go out to work out on a daily basis as my body system would not be awaken if I don’t. Exercising is one way to keep wellness and good health for me but not to forget the importance of good feeding as well. If these two things are well managed, good health and wellness will keep being part of our existence. Best regards.
Hi Dane, How true that is. It is so important to exercise and eat healthily.
Best wishes.